$21,580.94 raised ~ goal of: $

$-21,580.94 To Go

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REACH and AAH Uganda want to build a secondary school for our students and we need you.

Watch this video to learn more https://youtu.be/AcWSr5w4E58


For over 19 years now, REACH for Uganda and our sister organization in Uganda, the Arlington Academy of Hope, have worked hard to lift education standards in eastern Uganda. Our two primary schools have an enrollment of over 800 students each year, providing untold opportunities for hundreds of kids who would otherwise not have a chance to advance. Students who complete our primary school program travel to boarding schools far away to continue their education. Our dream since we started has been a secondary school or high school of our own, in our region, so our kids can complete the equivalent of a K–12 education before we release them to college. Today, that dream is closer to reality.


In 2021, USAID awarded us an $800,000 grant for the construction of a secondary school of our own. Our leadership team and major donors have pledged $900,000 toward construction costs. Our budget for the first construction phase is $2.7 million, which means we are almost 68% there. We now need to raise $1 million to complete this first phase.


We appreciate any amount of support to reach this goal! Our environmental and monitoring plans were approved by USAID and our team has selected a construction firm. Our President, Dick Burk, is in Uganda ready to sign a construction contract. Your generous support will help provide a secure, permanent learning place for our students and ensure that the academic excellence we have introduced at primary school continues through secondary school.


Making this dream a reality is a team effort that will involve all of our longtime supporters. No amount is too small or large and all donors will receive a personal letter of thanks. If you can organize a small fundraiser around this project, please do. We look forward to hearing your creative fundraising and outreach ideas in the coming months. Please check our website for all the different ways to give. We will also be sending out more detailed information by mail to all our supporters in the next month or so.

Top donors will be recognized in the names of our buildings and classes. You can get a whole building named after you or
your family for $250,000, a floor for $100,000, and a classroom for $50,000. For lower amounts, your
name will grace our Wall of Honor.
Please join our march forward today with a special donation on this website - https://reachforuganda.reachapp.co/campaigns/the-building-of-the-arlington-secondary-and-vocational-school

 Here are details for each fundraising level

Platinum Donor ($250,000 and over) A Platinum donor will help complete one full building, which will be named after the donor for perpetuity. At this time, the buildings open for naming are the Multi-purpose building and the Science Lab and Library. A picture of the donor or other selected art will prominently grace the walls of the building.

Gold Donor ($100,000 and over) A Gold donor can choose to sponsor an entire floor of a building, or sponsor one of the smaller buildings on the project. These include teacher houses, kitchen, toilets, etc.

Silver Donor ($50,000 and over) These sponsors get to have a classroom, or any of the major rooms (such as computer, staffroom, head teacher offices, etc) named after them. Alternatively, they can choose to have a program named after them e.g. ICT program, Math program, etc.

Bronze Donor (Over $20,000) These donors get to have a wall, a walkway, road, or specific items named after them. Wall of Honor (Over $5,000) These donors get to have their name listed on the wall of honor in the main office of the school Other Donation Amounts We welcome donations of all sizes. Donors who are not able to give in the above amounts will be welcomed and recognized. We will publicize such donations in the monthly newsletters and e-mails, and our annual reports. All donations, regardless of amount, will be acknowledged.



Leader: Dick Burk and John Wanda

Phone: 703 879 6034

Email Group Leader

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