$825.00 raised ~ goal of: $10,000.00

Campaign Ends: 12/30/2024 - 100 Days Left!

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My name is Caitlin Good, and I spent 3 weeks in Uganda last summer with REACH for Uganda. During to my trip to Uganda last summer, I had many opportunities to visit schools and talk to administrative staff of Arlington Junior School and Matuwa Junior School. They mentioned how REACH for Uganda has helped tons of primary school kids find sponsorships and bond with families from Arlington. Unfortunately, I found out that secondary school students aren't always first choice and the younger kids get more sponsorships. The cost to sponsor a secondary school student is roughly $1000.00 a year and the cost to sponsor a primary school student is $480.00 a year, so the prices is much higher. Secondary school opens up a lot of good opportunities for the kids to build their own futures and maybe do and learn things that their parents might not have had the opportunity to do. While on my trip, I met with this young boy named "Obama" who had dreams to become a pilot one day. I saw how hard his mother worked to barely put food on the table for him and his siblings and how secondary school could be out of the picture for him. I wanted to raise awareness for kids like "Obama" so they could go on to have Brighter Futures. My hope is to get 10 secondary school teenagers sponsored between now and the end of my school year.

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